Exploration & Production - At a Glance 2023

03 The Sustainable Development Goals, at the core of our commitments

03 The Sustainable Development Goals, at the core of our commitments

The energy sector has a central role to play in the battle against climate change and a host of other challenges, such as preserving biodiversity, managing water resources and promoting a circular economy. TotalEnergies fully supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and our commitment to those goals has four key components: climate and sustainable energy, respect for the environment, people’s well-being and the sharing of value.

Suriname: Protecting marine biodiversity

TotalEnergies has made five oil and gas discoveries in Block 58, off the coast of Suriname. In line with the Company’s biodiversity commitments, E&P teams have conducted extensive analyses of the sensitive marine environment that will help preserve the local ecosystems if the sites are developed in the future. One oceanographic mission found that Block 58 encompasses a range of habitats, including stony reefs, coral gardens, deep-sea sponges and active cold seeps. Mammal observation has revealed five species of dolphin as well as invasive species such as lionfish. Based on these findings, drilling operations and development infrastructure can be positioned more carefully to minimize or prevent any impact on biodiversity.