Exploration & Production - At a Glance 2023

02 Developing a low-carbon culture

02Developing a low‑carbon culture

TotalEnergies is committed to producing more energy, doing so in a responsible way, and aiming for net-zero emissions, together with society, by 2050. As an industrial operator, the Company has a responsibility to reduce the net Scope 1+2 emissions generated by our oil and gas operations worldwide. To meet that goal, the Carbon Footprint Reduction (CFR) teams are developing a low-carbon culture, refining our operating methods and implementing projects for carbon and methane emissions reduction that draw on state-of-the-art technology to improve energy efficiency at our sites, eliminate routine flaring, make use of renewable power and optimize our facilities. Curbing emissions from our facilities also requires the development of industrial processes for capturing, transporting and storing CO2 at our sites (Carbon Capture and Storage, or CCS), and the offsetting of residual emissions by natural carbon sinks (Nature Based Solutions).